Monday, July 2, 2012

I just got paid. Oh what a nice feeling it is to see all your work not go unrewarded!! I was pretty sure that there was money to make online, pretty darn sure of it. Now, I KNOW THERE IS!!! I'm the type of person that will see something, research it, and I will give it a try. I will jump in and give 100% of my ability and not give up. The key there is NOT GIVE UP. It's all part of the learning curve. When you try out new things, there will always be a learning curve. You find out what works, what tweeks you make and do differently and then you put your new findings to work. Each time you do this, you will notice different results. It is an awesome feeling as you work and see results. Just seeing a rise in your online traffic, the increase of your leads, and then the monetary reward. Absolute fulfillment!!

I was looking for a way to make money online and came across an ad on Craigslist. The ad made me curious and I clicked on it. It took me to a caputre page where I put in my information, watched a video and at that point, I had a choice; to continue or run away. So I thought, if I try it and it doesn't work, it was free so, I didn't lose anything except for time. If I didn't try it, I would never know if it would have worked. So, not wanting to miss out on the potential, I tried it. So far, from my experience with it, I have NO Regrets! None.
After reviewing the training and actively putting the system to work, I started learning many things in regards to online marketing. The amount of knowledge is immeasurable in itself! I not only use this knowledge to promote the business but, I also use it to promote my band as well I have definitely seen results there as well.  Feels good.
It took just a few weeks but, I was determined to see this through. To see success in it. Well, last night, it happened. I made my first commission. A generous $95 was deposited into my Paypal account. Some may say, "it's only $95". I say, that is the start to something truly amazing! If I can get that from one person a day, everyday then that is where the magic happens. You see, like I said in the beginning, there is a learning curve. The bigger the reward, the more time you have to put in. The reward potential is huge. The learning curve relatively small. I am learning what works and putting it to work. It worked in this case and here is the proof:

Now, I am even more determined and ready to give it another 100% on top of the 100% that I am already putting into it. I am looking forward to more of these deposits to my Paypal account. This IS the start to something amazing. There are no holds barred!! To Internet Infinity and Beyond!!!

One of the things that I am doing is putting a team together of people who want to succeed in making money online. When I learn something, I will share it with the team and vice versa. There is success in numbers. If we all work together, we can all succeed together. I will be posting more information in regards to the team soon. If you are interested in becoming part of this team, message me or comment on the post and by all means, share this. It is VERY possible to make money online and the earnings are unlimited. Out of billions of people that surf the web everyday and an unbelieivable amount of them are looking for opportunities to make money online, like this.  We are going to get our piece of the pie. Funny thought, when you are talking about billions, even if you were to get just a crumb, that is still one giant crumb.. lol.

This is the link to the system that I made the money with:

Here is another program that I just started that is a great way to earn money online. It's a lot easier to qualify for and you can start working the system the same day as well:

I hope that you found this blog to be inspirational and informative. There is money to be made online and it's just a matter of taking that step and giving it 100%. Again, if you are interested in joining up with the group that I am creating, comment on here or just sign up for one of the programs up above and lets work together towards our success.

Dannie Baldwin

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